Saturday, August 25, 2007

first glass stack and a fun week

This past week between working for the halsey gallery and working in and on the studio i spent a couple nights hanging out with old friends from college. The whole week has made me feel younger since I was working on my old college campus during the day and hanging out with the same artists i hung out with in the studio during college. All week at their beach house seth and jamie served their wedding leftovers to anyone who would stop by. I confess I went twice this week and crashed my diet on their food. I made some progress in the studio on the small room that was the office, but i am converting it into a clean gallery installation room. I have been thinking a lot about the upcoming residencies and how best to spend my time when i get there. I continue to work on applications and find that I am devoting equal amounts of mental energy to writing and applying for opportunities as I am to making art for said opportunities. Oh well, Today i am going to hang out with brooke since she has been in the field all week and has to go back on monday. holy crap lightening just struck the house and blew up the air conditioner and the phone, but the power and the internet, crazy!

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