Sunday, August 19, 2007

congratulations seth and jamie

Today is jamie self's and seth gadsden's wedding. It should be a pretty cool event and it is on the beach so that will be fun. Last week after working at the halsey i managed to finish framing and packing the pieces for the show in california and managed to get them in the mail yesterday. The next thing I have to worry about is trying to get back to finishing the studio, and starting on some new work. My schedule will be pretty tight for the next couple of months, and i just have to write it out to make it seem real. This week I will be working down at the halsey gallery, next week I will be working in the studio and figuring out what I am going to do for my class for redux. Even though the class is an intro to printmaking workshop, i want to make a really useful handout/reference guide for the people so they can work on their own. Then on september 14th I take off for Ox-bow until October 12th, then October13th-28th I will be at the sumter residency. I will be back in charleston from Oct28th-November 24th, when we will have to finish all the wedding plans and hopefully I will have the first of three openings at my studio over the course of next year. Oh and the new media festival and computer conference at redux and the college of charleston will be november 16th. November 25th- December 21st I will be at the vermont studio center. Then from december 22nd until january 20th we will be working on the wedding. February is the caa conference and who knows what else will pop up between now and then. So I hope i can stay focused and keep up this pace. I heard a thing recently about creative idea and invention development, the writer was saying that nothing creative happens when the creator is under stress. so i am heading that warning and tying to let the new ideas just come from the quiet moments I spend with my cup of coffee.

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