Sunday, July 29, 2007


these two rust prints on the end will be in the paper cuts show in september in california, now i just need to mount them , and pack them and box them and ship them

this is the begining of my idea for the sumter show, we will see how string this stuff is when i build it out to a larger scale

I have been really tired lately and i feel myself starting to drag. I am starting to get into a bit of a routine in the new studio and I have been able to catch up on a few things, but I still have several things left to do to fix up the studio. I got to see the simpsons movie on friday, which delivered every laugh I had hoped it would. tomorrow I hope to make some more progress on the green plastic piece. I have hopes of building a big enough woven green plastic thing that it will encompass two floors of the venue in sumter but we will see how far I can get before it collapses under it's own weight. these are some photoshop composites of what i want the installation to look like in sumter. That hole in the ceiling goes through to the second floor, and there is a chandelier in the middle so the piece would be lit from within. i just hope i have enough material, to make it cover.

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