Monday, July 16, 2007

it's a 4x8 world, and I am a 4x8 boy

this is another one of the projects in studio. i am building a barn door for the entry way to the storage space i share with the bakery in front. The siding on the floor will be the skin for the door, it is all found redwood siding, that I cut down for the door.this is a view of the metal wall I have one more panel to hang on that wall then it is done.
if you look closely you can see how the sweat has drenched my shirt.

this is the finished clean wall, eventually i will paint it, but probably not until before I have my first opening there

the nice thing about american construction materials is that most sheet goods and supports come in increments and measurements of 4x8. This makes it a bit easier to construct walls since the 2x4's, are 2x4x8, and the sheet goods are 4x8. This doesn't mean that it was any cooler in temperature, but slowly the studio is starting to take shape. There is so much potential in this space that i still can't believe I have only had it for a week. i still haven't gotten a chair or a stool, so i spend all my time standing, but soon i will sit down and enjoy my creation. I am still sorting out the final insulation/ air conditioning solution. the landlord is supposed to put another window unit in the back wall, but I think I may quite waiting for him and just figure something else out. i am pretty sure that by the end of this week, barring no major incidents, i should be back up to production and starting on some new artwork.

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