i couldn't help myself these guys seemed so lonely i made them a purple object to balance out the composition, more colors to emerge shortly
this bottle with all the drawing on it will be serving as the model for the steel piece from here on out
i finished off the siding piece and put a nice set of iron castors on it, now not only is it a formally beautiful piece, it is also practical and easy to arrange in an exhibition space(or to use as a prop for future stop action movies)
here are a couple shots of the office that has now been retro-fitted into mrs. brilliant's artifact sorting and cataloging room, i might add that it is entirely furnished with rescued and found furniture
an interesting relationship is starting to develop between these objects, although i am not sure they will all end up in the same place together in the end
here is mrs brilliant in her office cataloging artifacts and listening to public radio through the coffee cup sleeve speaker
here i am checking to see if the java sleeve audio device is functioning properly
tomorrow i am taking off for a couple of days to the college art association conference in dallas. yesterday i finished fixing up the office space in the studio so mrs. brilliant(my wife brooke) can sort and package the artifacts she has been washing in the studio. As part of the modification of the space i have been using parts salcaged off of discarded fire alarm systems to make extra sets of speakers for the stereo. this way both brooke and i can indulge in our npr addiction and get our fix of market place, on point, tell me more and all the other great content that furae, kai, and laksmi dish out. I used coffee cup sleeves to I also started working back on the large welded steel spike piece that occupied most of time at the vermont studio center. I plan to make it follow the shape of this one particular poland spring water bottle that has really captured my attention. oh and i kind of overhauled my website a bit, but i plan to keep it better up to date. well after a month of being married, has it only been a month, i can honestly say that we are still getting used to the idea. I don't have a lot of time to mull it over though, because i am anxiously awaiting the rejection/acceptance calls/letters from the jobs i have been interviewing for. Next week i also plan to drop off an updated proposal for a show i am chasing, so i guess i have nothing to worry about, except for the fact that the apartment we just moved into last month and spent two weeks pimping out to perfection, is being sold along with the rest of the building.
When are you going to post again?
I don't know what your schedule will be like, but if you have free time in Dallas let me know. Dallas is driving distance. I'd love to grab a cup of coffee or dinner.
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