Friday, January 04, 2008

old year out like a lion new year in like a blur

these are our wedding caek samples, we had a friend over to help us make the decision
so on the plate is a red velvet cake, a chocolate with german chocolate filling, a carrot cake and a blakc and white marble cake.

i have somehow found myself in the midst of wedding planning, moving, and studio work suddenly working full time for the halsey gallery at the college of charleston. Well more accurately working at the musc ashley river tower where the halsey gallery is installing the art. The work is painless enough and pretty stress free since i am not in charge of any of the details, I just get to hang art like some sort of multi armed monkey/octopus preparator. I am kind of enjoying the work as it keeps my mind off of everything else that is happening. That is one of my favorite things about hard work, whether i am working on my own stuff or someone else's stuff time seems to move at a different pace. Unlike preparator gigs in the past this one is moderately amusing because the curator is trying to cram art into every available space in the building. The work that was selected for the hospital is of a slightly higher quality than typical waiting room art. Somehow it is a week into the new year and i haven't even noticed the change, i guess when i have to sign and date something i will start to notice.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Congratulations on the wedding! I'm sure prepping for that is stressful as hell. I got to tell you though it made me smile that you've apparently started eating the cake already.