Wednesday, December 05, 2007

sidetracked a little bit

so this is the view from my studio, very snowy

on the right a big ear plug made of wood based on my drawing of the earplug, and on the left is a spray painted piece of the sculpture, but there is something about white that says finished piece

today i had a studio visit with shelia pepe around the time i normally start working. part of my working method is to begin working before i interact with people and my brain has time to wander. Because i talked with shelia this morning, and she brought up some really interesting ideas i got side tracked, in a good way and made a small object based on my earplugs. I also decide through a simple spray paint test on the cut off part of the big sculpture that i want to clean the big piece when i finish and get it coated with an automotive pearlescent white paint. It might be the simple influence of the snow all around me or it might just be that I think I am ready to remove rusty steel objects from my palette. I think i will keep making the rust prints , but I am starting to crave highly finished objects, or at least today i am. Tomorrow I think I will just get back to work on the steel piece, until a conversation with someone derails my train of concentration.

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