Tuesday, September 25, 2007

day 9 and 10 at ox-bow

so these are a couple new photoshops i did this morning to make myself more comfortable with what i will potentially do in sumter

although it is hard tio see i am holding up a wire armature that is roughly the shape of the outline of my body
so this seems to be a good solution for the brazed pipe piece, i like that it looks like a contractor's folly for a hotwater line.

so that's two trips worth of sticks from starbucks. it is harder to get stir sticks here since the starbucks is a full 20 minutes away.

i got a phone call yesterday from a very confused woman at the sumter cultural council. She wanted to know why some many boxes of coffee stirrers were just delivered to her office, I explained that they were in fact materials for the accessibility exhibition. I also went to holland yesterday to work on another application, and to exchange a faulty pipe cutter at the home depot. While i was there i swung by the starbucks and relieved them of their excess stir sticks. I started a large basket in the studio using my self as the pattern, we will see where that goes. i also reached a bit of a resolution with the copperbrazing piece, and definitely have some ideas of what to do with it. I am starting to wonder what benefit i am getting out of being here, but i know from past experiences with uncomfortable feelings in tight knit artists communities that the benefits will reveal themselves after the fact.

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