here is a view of the front of the building on the left is my piece and on the right is dka's pagoda
i thought it was funny, it looks like this woman is having lunch with my sculpture
here are some action shots of dka unloading his pagoda for the show in sand city
i thought this was really funny
things are really winding down and I am looking forward to moving sort of. It will be such a chore to move but it will be nice to clean out this apartment and our belongings and to clean out the studio and relocate. If i am lucky I will get to take the month of june off while brooke is away on her field school. Today I got up early and went with ben hunt down to sand city to drop off our work for the show there(see the above images). That took up a good part the day. i had made a mistake with the way the bolt attached to the washer sculpture. I hadn't fully figured out how to tigthen the bolt, but after some monkeying we got it to work. I was also helping ben install his piece, which tested everyones physics and knowledge of pulleys and primitive lifting systems. After that I headed back to san jose for my office hour, and a quick tour of the student galleries and the snacks available, then i went home to watch the cadre salon lecture in second life. Tommorow i have to get the kala institute application in the mail and then go to school. Soon we will have to start taking some serious action towards the move starting with turning in my notice to the landlord tommorow.
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