Monday, November 20, 2006

so many deadlines, so let's blow them off and go to the city

a vintage bob arneson at the deyoung
the light source for a james turell

a found still life in golden gate parkfun with a barbara hepworth
san francisco through the haze
more fun with a barbara hepworth
staring into the void, or just another mediocre anish kapoor

well both brooke and myself have several application deadlines looming, so rather than give up an entire sunday to work, we took off to san francisco to check out the quilts of geez bend and the many other treasures on display at the de young museum in golden gate park, after that we ran by giant robot in the haight and then hit trader joes before coming home and watching desperate housewives, after which we resumed our respective work. Myself I am applying for a couple of opportunities, but don't want to jynx them yet, additionally I am putting together a new artist information packet since I have been so busy this year that I have not made a new packet in well over a year. wednesday we are off to little rock for thanksgiving, can't wait. for more images head to my flickr site

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