Sunday, December 27, 2009

sticks straws sleeves and lids: progress on straws, sleeves and sticks

the straws are starting to take shape. the trick has been to make them long enough that they hold a curve and themselves up but short enough that they do not snap and make an angle.
been working on the interior passage of the sticks.

the sleeves have decided to stay in place for the moment but I am keeping an eye on them as I am convinced they are secretly working themselves loose.

I actually wove me cell phone on the other side of the piece and didn't realize until someone called.

Tomorrow I will continue to resolve the outer edges and form on the sticks, I will resume work on the straws, and I will tinker with the sleeves a bit just to make sure they are stable. I hope by early next year to have the installation finished and the lighting done, so I can focus on preparation for the installation at Nurtureart in New York that starts on January 15th. It has been a really different experience after doing almost all of my installations as traveling gigs to be working where i live, it really allows me to step back at the end of the day and make a plan for the next days work, and in the case of this show even take a day offsite, a luxury i usually don't have.

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