Thursday, May 01, 2008

blame it on craigslist

After i finished my marathon of contact mics, I really got the itch to play some more music. Lately I had only been playing once or twice a month with phil estes, because we had both been so busy our schedules only lined up occasionally. So I took the plunge and placed an ad on craigslist, and much to my delight i have had a pretty full schedule of music this week. The responses have run the gamut, from generic mushy hippie bar music(which i think indicated that the guy hadn't read my post at all, but i thought he was looking to try something new so i tried to do it but couldn't make it through more than an hour and a half of that music), then i played with a really promising guitarist and keyboard player, who are looking to write and play a mixture of pop indie keyboard rock mixed with other stuff, and then tonight I am going to try out for a pretty straight ahead progressive rock band. All of these situation have been interesting, but I still think i am going to work on expanding my solo performance abilities and compose solo compositions on the drums and other instruments i constructed. I kind of see the drums as a big portable, variable,sculptural arrangement, since i can change the setup of the pieces in the kit to suit the situation i am in.

this was a strange happening, I started playing with starbucks straws again, and am now using the same method to construct linear work with steel pipe. when i finish with the welded steel versions of the melted plastic straws, i will clean up the steel and paint it green to match the straws. I always find it satisfying to draw inspiration from the materials that inspire the work.

i keep finding piles of stuff, like these coat hangers, so i stacked them up for now. I also found a payphone but can't decide what to do with that yet.

i had a brief moment of inspiration and endeavored to realize my bifurcating lines from the rust prints as actual objects. I admit this is also partly inspired by john bruneau's infinitree i saw four years ago, but always thought would be cool to make. it is proving to be a bit difficult to reach the connections as the lines begin intersecting each other.

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