Thursday, June 07, 2007

leveling off

yesterday we managed to get the oil changed on the truck.
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this proved much more complicated since everyone seems to be jacking the price of an oil change but eventually we found a place that was reasonable. We went and looked at a few places for wedding locations and took a couple more walks around the area. It is funny how just a few days in a new environment can fuel new ideas. Now that I am out of silicon valley I am beginning to think less and less about the internet and more and more about south carolina. It is funny how the environment here can envelop a person as quickly as the fast paced environment of san jose. It is true that the pace of life here in the lowcountry seems strangely and self consciously out of sync with the rest of the world.
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Yesterday while we were sitting on a bench outside the oil change place a van full of people pulled up and asked us for directions to the beach. The exchange was incredibly revealing and the driver confessed she that she was afraid to drive over bridges. It made the routine exchange of directions seem a bit friendlier and more personal. We keep noticing that people are a little friendlier around here. The picture above will probably serve as the source for an installation I am planning later this year, It was too perfect when I happened upon this stretch of marsh it matched something I had been envisioning already.

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