Friday, April 20, 2007

39 days until we move, and would you like to buy a car

two shiny mochas used to make one shiny mocha( it is actually a bent mirror positioned so that the reflections line up to create one mocha)
I was thinking about the virginia tech thing i was left wondering how much of the shooters attitude is indicative of the generation of students who would have grown up post columbine and graduated high school around september 11th. These events coupled with the divisive attitude of americans for or against the president may be contributing to an overall environment of anxiety and fear that has trickled down to a new class of students who are fatalistic and career obsessed. That was just a passing thought I had while working in the studio yesterday listening to the gonzalez trial/hearing . The current mood may be part of the reason i am beginning to be drawn towards very shiny things. I am not sure or it just may be the experience of looking at something that is looking back at me. this weekend I think we are going to start cleaning up the saturn to get it ready to sell, hopefully we can get a little bit of money for it but it may be hard to sell a car whose drivers seat is held up by a milk crate.

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