Sunday, March 11, 2007

just polished off a couple mochas

this is one possible way to levitate a latte

this is a still from the as yet unedited video, I hope to post in the next couple of days

well I polished off a couple of mochas yesterday, literally. I am beginning to like the look and luster of these fetishes as I continue to polish out the surfaces. I made some video as well but I still need to edit it down to make it interesting. Last night we went out to Aqui for some cal-mex food and that was nice, but this morning brooke has been a little sick and I am feeling a little bad myself, maybe too much mexican food. The time difference seems to have taken it's toll as I am not sure whether it is 11:30 or 10:30 right now. On Tuesday of this week I am going to be on a "panel" about grad school for Shannon Wright's BfA seminar. The other two panelists are Amanda Lynch, an awesome artist who makes illustrated panels about childhood trauma and fantasy based on traditional indian miniature paintings, and Julia Bradshaw, who is a genius, British, and just like bruce nauman but female. It should be interesting although I don't know what to expect. Finally I went to the show at 12th and taylor on friday, and was moderately disappointed, with the exception of Mike Lowell's photographs, and Ben Hunt's wooden sculpture standing out as high lights, the rest of the work was pretty flat and unmemorable. When I go to write about it for the art shift san jose I will probably use them as a way to discuss potential in the San Jose art scene, since they are the perfect example of the untapped potential for the arts here in san jose.

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